Latitude N 33° 34' 06"    Longitude W 81° 44' 22"    Elevation 490 ft


NOTE: The Daily Climatological data Period of Record is from JUNE 2018 through DECEMBER 2023

Temperature (F)
Record Maximum Temperature 85 F 12NOV2018 Record Minimum Temperature 21 F 29NOV2018, 30NOV2018, 24NOV2021
Highest Maximum Temperature 82 F 08NOV2023 Lowest Minimum Temperature 27 F 29NOV2023
Average Maximum Temperature 65 F Departure From Normal -4.1 degrees
Average Minimum Temperature 44 F Departure From Normal +1.8 degrees
Mean Temperature 54.7 F Departure From Normal -0.9 degrees
Days Max Greater Than 90 F 0 Days Max Less Than 32 F 0
Days Min Less Than 32 F 2 Days Min Less Than 0 F 0
Precipitation (Inches)
Record Maximum 2.83 inches NOV 2022 Record Minimum 0.33 inches NOV 2021
Total Rainfall 2.78 inches Normal Rainfall 2.66 inches
Departure From Normal +0.12 inches Daily Average 0.09 inches
Days Greater Than 0.01 inches 5 Days Greater Than 0.10 inches 4
Days Greater Than 0.50 inches 2 Days Greater Than 1.00 inches 1
Greatest 24 Hour Total 1.65 inches Date 22NOV2023
Snowfall (Inches)
Record TRACE 22JAN2022 Greatest Snow Depth TRACE 22JAN2022
Sky Cover
Average Sky Cover 0.67 % Number of Days Fair 10
Number of Days Partly Cloudy 11 Number of Days Cloudy 9
Weather Conditions, Number of Days
Thunderstorm 0 Heavy Rain 2
Light Rain 4 Light Freezing Rain 0
Heavy Snow 0 Light Snow 0
Fog With Visibility Greater Than 1/2 Statute Mile 0 Haze 0
Mixed Precipitation 0 Rain 6
Freezing Rain 0 Hail 0
Snow 0 Sleet 0
Fog With Visibility Less Than 1/4 Statute Mile 0
:current::console::air::extra::evap::today::yesterday::almanac::this month::this year::records::monthly records::forum::webcam:

Page updated 7/16/2024 9:30:00 PM
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